हम बिरुल बाजार के युवा कुछ लोग है बिरुल बाज़ार मे जो भू जलस्तर नीचे गया है उसे ऊपर लाने में निरंतर प्रयास कर रहे हैं जैसे महाराष्ट्र में पानी फाउंडेशन कर रहा है इसमें हम लोगों को जागरुक करते हैं तथा वर्षा जल संचयन की विधि सिखाते हैं जिससे कि खुद ही लोग भूजल स्तर को ऊपर ला सके
We are young people of Birul. We are continuously making efforts to bring the water level up. As the water foundation in Maharashtra is doing, we make people aware and teach the method of rain water harvesting so that people can bring the ground level up themselves.
We are young people of Birul. We are continuously making efforts to bring the water level up. As the water foundation in Maharashtra is doing, we make people aware and teach the method of rain water harvesting so that people can bring the ground level up themselves.
Congratulations. Wish you all the best